Friday, July 31, 2009

the doors left opened

when he walked into my life, i opened the door of my heart just so he could come in.. and he did. in the same manner i walked through the open door of his heart.
when the time came for him to leave, i didnt let him. i assumed that if i somehow walked out of his heart, he would close the door behind me and in the same manner, he would leave mine.. but i was wrong.. yet i lived with my door open. maybe i hoped he would walk back in, yet i never really let him leave..
but i never knew this until i tried opening my heart to other possibilities. only to find that lurking in the shadows, was the memory of him whom i never allowed to leave. i'd simply opened to the door to let him out and left it at that...
so i sought to fix this, for i couldnt live with an overcrowded heart (God forbid). and in fixing this here's what i learnt
1. I am to Guard my heart... with all due diligence
2. Do not leave anything to chance, assumption...keep open those doors that you want open and close those that are meant to be closed. Make sure whatever you are locking in/out is in/out when you do so... lest you find those lurking shadows
so i have finally closed that door which i'd left open...and i'm all the better for it