Monday, September 27, 2010

As good as dead

Life I have found.. is not a matter or breathing in and out.
Its more. People search and search in the hope of finding the more.
But what makes life worth living? What is the whole point of life?
Why are we here? Seems to me.. we are forever in a battle of sorts.
We are born... and we fight for our place in society. We fight to be "somebody".
We fight to achieve things.. to obtain things. We forever fight to maintain them.
Do the people in our lives give it meaning? Do they make it worth living.
So what happens when they are gone.. and life has to go on.
Do the positions we attain, the qualifications,... give our lives meaning?
What happens when the position can't solve your problem? the qualifications don't get you where you want to go?
Do our possessions give our lives meaning? Do they make it worth living? Does the quest for them make the battle worthwhile?
Many are alive.. they breathe in and breathe out. The faculties fully functional.
Yet fewer LIVE!!
so I say... if I don't know what makes my life worth living? What the point of my being is.. then I am as good as dead.

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