Monday, March 15, 2010

Destiny was on the mountain-top - Conquering Table Mountain

It was much like our walk along life's journey. We have big dreams. We long to rise to the top; To reach our destiny.Daunting as it may be, many will make the journey up the mountain and go through it all. And when they reach the top, their realize just how far they've come. What a testament it is to human strength. Our capacity to achieve, even what seemed impossible to begin with.

I resolved that I would take it a step at a time. Occasionally gazing upwards, slowly and not for long, lest the task seem more daunting and I convince myself that I could not do it.
My backpack, reminded me of the burdens we carry, the responsibilities we bear in our walk. Sometimes a friend will help you carry it, but if you are to ensure that you have food and water, up the mountain-top, make sure you have your back pack. Don't carry too much though, it slows your progress. This is much like life. Free yourself of unnecessary baggage, burdens that stop you from reaching your destination.

Along the way, there were those who were on the climb down. "Twenty more minutes", most would all say. "You still have a long way to go", others would utter. Solicited and unsolicited, opinions would be heard. Some seeking to encourage, some downright lying. Not all you meet along the path to your destiny will be helpful. Be careful whose counsel you take.

At times, the terrain was smooth, and flat, and easy. I could not help but almost run in these sections. Knowing they would come, gave me something to look forward to. There will be good times, easier times, enjoy them.

Some rocks were larger than others, harder to climb. I needed to hold on to something, sometimes someone. Don't be afraid to seek help, or accept a helping hand in your journey.

Looking behind me, there were others climbing, ahead of me many, at times I was last..but we all made it up the mountain. Our journey in life though we walk together, is individual. There will be those faster, or slower, but if you persevere, you will get there.

Sometimes I felt like it was all too much, and I needed to rest. There were always rocks where I could sit, rest, have a drink of water. Who and what are you rocks? Your resting places? Where do you find refreshing?

The sun shone brightly at the bottom, yet somewhere in between, it became cloudier, wetter, and colder. It made the path slippery. That how our life's journey is. Do you let the weather change stop you from conquering your mountain.

Once I slipped, slid backwards. There will be those moments, when u move backwards. Get up!!! Move forward. Crawl if you must. You are on a mission.

You cannot successfully get to the mountain-top if you're not in the right gear. Some forgot their warm jackets, other realised they needed water proof ones. How well equipped are you for life's journey...the journey to your destiny?

Every-time I turned my head to the left, right, and back, the view was spectacular, the company amazing. Sometimes we would break into song. Celebrate the milestones. Take time to savour the journey. Its as beautiful as reaching the top.

We took amazing pictures. They are a lasting legacy of that journey, that achievement. Inspiring present and future generations. Leave a legacy.

Its your walk, but walk with others. When you get the the mountaintop, celebrate your success and the success of those around you. I cannot confidently say I'd have made it to the top, without the others. But even if I had, it would have been lonely with no one to celebrate with.

This mountain-top journey reminded me that I can make it. So my muscles may sore, but I have learnt this; The journey of life isn't all easy, sometimes its really sore,so sore that when you reach the mountain-top you may still feel the pain. But if you choose to forget the pain, look at how far you've come, and behold the beauty around you ; It is worth it. Because even the pain fades, is forgotten, but the memory remains,the victory lasts and the lesson stands. Because it changes your life.

Be deliberate. Conquer the mountain.

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