Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The neccesity of this "pitstop"

stubborn! stubborn! stubborn! I hear
As resolute I stand
Lets toss her, upside-down shake her
The wind howls in my ears
The cold chills my bones, reaching the marrow
But my spirit faints not
Stronger it goes, more determined I am
For to faint now, what a loss
Oh how far we've come
The climb so steep and the path so narrow
Moving forward, the only option
But at this "pitstop" my partner's camped
And I see the chaos around me
The storm brewing and
My partner's silence baffles me
The voices urge me back to the depths
Calling my name, beckoning
And they reach my ears, I hear
Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn!!! Lets toss her
And my partner keeps silent, watches
I try to move forward
this journey is not for one- I need my partner
Evidently not ready to move along
Questioning the necessity of this "pitstop"
I make this decision
I will not be moved, I will not be shaken
There's no going back, I silence the voices beckoning
And call to order the chaos
My partner I face, bruised by His silence, thankful for His presence
And resolutely I stand, to say that as long as you are here, so am I
Yet I cannot help..but question the necessity of this "pitsop"

I cry buckets.... and He is silent

I cry buckets, enough buckets to fill a river
the tears gush out of me, as if the banks of my broken spirit have burst
the cannot; will not be contained
will my tears quench the thirst of the land upon which I stand
intent it seems to devour me
so I cry buckets

Will my tears turn the parched land into a lush field
Questions questions questions
who can save me, what can my rescue be
for I am aware that I do not stand alone
in the midst of this desert, the wind howling, sun-scorching
He is here

Yet I cry buckets, of tears that will disappear
the desert heat ravages me, its fire consumes me
Yet He sits in silence
I am distraught, for my conscience is aware of His ability
His previous feats are clearly imprinted in my memory
Yet I cry buckets.. enough buckets to fill a river
A river that cannot withstand this desert
A rivers that cannot conquer my circumstances

Do these buckets mean nothing to Him
He sees, I know. He hears I am aware
Now I stand, here I am all spent, tears i shed no more
For many buckets I have filled, and filled up a river
Questions questions questions
He's watched me fill these buckets
I wonder when He'll say... enough

Friday, October 23, 2009

Free to be yours

Set me free
Free me with your love
That I may soar....so I may be

Set me free
Free to love
That I may glide...till the truth I find

Set me free
Free for love
That I may live....live and learn

Imprison me not in your heart
But set me free
For in my freedom
In my soaring, in my gliding, I find myself
And My path leads back to you
Then you will know
that as surely as I am free
Free to be me, I am free....free to be yours

The days of old

How I long for those days.......the days of old
when the truth was spoken and hearts were open
when souls connected, and love was abound
when simplicity ruled, and random acts of kindness were the order of the day
when faith ruled over fear, and peace prevailed over doubt, strife and cynicism
when laughter came easily, more readily and many smiles lit up the world
when i danced in the moonlight, and delighted in the summers rain
when tears of grief were shared, and rest and respite found on my neighbours shoulder
Today, i cry no more yet no laughter rings in my ears
my hearts gone cold, to stone its turned
The fountain of my youth is ebbed, the energy sapped out of me
That which dares me to be strong, has hardened me
Yes, it chokes the feeling out of my soul, my heart
and though my eyes are open, i do not see, My ears are open, yet I can barely hear
From my mouth, no words.
For I am numbed, by this great force
Of expectations, Of experiences,
Of dreams unfulfilled, Of hope lost, Of love unreturned, words unsaid
How I long for those days, the days of old