Friday, October 23, 2009

The days of old

How I long for those days.......the days of old
when the truth was spoken and hearts were open
when souls connected, and love was abound
when simplicity ruled, and random acts of kindness were the order of the day
when faith ruled over fear, and peace prevailed over doubt, strife and cynicism
when laughter came easily, more readily and many smiles lit up the world
when i danced in the moonlight, and delighted in the summers rain
when tears of grief were shared, and rest and respite found on my neighbours shoulder
Today, i cry no more yet no laughter rings in my ears
my hearts gone cold, to stone its turned
The fountain of my youth is ebbed, the energy sapped out of me
That which dares me to be strong, has hardened me
Yes, it chokes the feeling out of my soul, my heart
and though my eyes are open, i do not see, My ears are open, yet I can barely hear
From my mouth, no words.
For I am numbed, by this great force
Of expectations, Of experiences,
Of dreams unfulfilled, Of hope lost, Of love unreturned, words unsaid
How I long for those days, the days of old

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