Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I cry buckets.... and He is silent

I cry buckets, enough buckets to fill a river
the tears gush out of me, as if the banks of my broken spirit have burst
the cannot; will not be contained
will my tears quench the thirst of the land upon which I stand
intent it seems to devour me
so I cry buckets

Will my tears turn the parched land into a lush field
Questions questions questions
who can save me, what can my rescue be
for I am aware that I do not stand alone
in the midst of this desert, the wind howling, sun-scorching
He is here

Yet I cry buckets, of tears that will disappear
the desert heat ravages me, its fire consumes me
Yet He sits in silence
I am distraught, for my conscience is aware of His ability
His previous feats are clearly imprinted in my memory
Yet I cry buckets.. enough buckets to fill a river
A river that cannot withstand this desert
A rivers that cannot conquer my circumstances

Do these buckets mean nothing to Him
He sees, I know. He hears I am aware
Now I stand, here I am all spent, tears i shed no more
For many buckets I have filled, and filled up a river
Questions questions questions
He's watched me fill these buckets
I wonder when He'll say... enough

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