Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The neccesity of this "pitstop"

stubborn! stubborn! stubborn! I hear
As resolute I stand
Lets toss her, upside-down shake her
The wind howls in my ears
The cold chills my bones, reaching the marrow
But my spirit faints not
Stronger it goes, more determined I am
For to faint now, what a loss
Oh how far we've come
The climb so steep and the path so narrow
Moving forward, the only option
But at this "pitstop" my partner's camped
And I see the chaos around me
The storm brewing and
My partner's silence baffles me
The voices urge me back to the depths
Calling my name, beckoning
And they reach my ears, I hear
Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn!!! Lets toss her
And my partner keeps silent, watches
I try to move forward
this journey is not for one- I need my partner
Evidently not ready to move along
Questioning the necessity of this "pitstop"
I make this decision
I will not be moved, I will not be shaken
There's no going back, I silence the voices beckoning
And call to order the chaos
My partner I face, bruised by His silence, thankful for His presence
And resolutely I stand, to say that as long as you are here, so am I
Yet I cannot help..but question the necessity of this "pitsop"

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