Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In that moment of consciousness

I have found that I am not always right. In my moments of consciousness I have learnt to detect hurt in someones eyes, or see the hidden sorrow in one's heart. In my moments of consciousness I have learnt to say I'm sorry...Please... and Thank you. In my moments of consciousness I have known the joys of giving and receiving. In those moments of consciousness I have known kindheartedness, have known charity ad compassion. In my moments of consciousness I have begun to count my blessings...But most of all... In my moments of consciousness I have learnt to be alive and powered by the word. The word of God that is living and active, the word that sharper than a double-edged sword. ... the word that judges the attitudes and intentions of my heart..... and I have known the emptiness of being without "the word". When I have taken a form of godliness, but denied it power...I have seen the futility of my efforts. For what is my life without that foundation of the word.. what's the purpose if my existence in the absence of the supreme. what is freedom with no direction, no destination, no history? what is life without hope? In my moments of consciousness I have found that it is Christ in me, that is the hope of glory.. I have found that its not the word that needs me to live.. I need to word to live in me.. for it is living and active... already.. but as for me, I am dead on the inside without it. Without it, my laughter's are punctuated with sighs, and the furrowing of my brows.. for there's is that knowledge in me that this moment of laughter is unlikely to last. And when it departs, that empty space will be filled with emptiness. Without it, all my greatest selfless actions, my momentous achievements, my incredible attitudes.... are meaningless, temporary and overall insignificant. Yes I have tried to live without the word, and I almost died. Until by grace, not by coincidence or mere chance, somebody let the word drop onto my dying spirit. and my spirit soaked it up like the parched ground... but that drop touched base with the innermost river in me that was drying up.. and something was ignited. And in that moment of consciousness... in my moment of consciousness I found, that the word was the breath to my soul. its what gave meaning to my life, that which resurrected my dying spirit, the one thing that could build me up, on which I could stand, by which I could live.. for the word didn't need me to live, but i need the word alive in me.....and this I found... in that moment of consciousness

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