Thursday, August 20, 2009


Restlessness that keeps my eyes from closing in the night..
That drives me to distraction
Restlessness that causes fear to rise within me
Yet I vow not to let the fear of the great future ahead paralyse me
I decide to live with the greatness within
I allow the greatness within to live
For surely there is more to life than this
This ordinary mundane sort of existence
Surely I am called to more than this
I fear that I may lose the essence of it in my quest to find it
Yet am painfully aware that to not seek it out would be another tragedy
So I brace myself for what is to come
In every moment of today I envision that I am preparing for tomorrow
Yet I remain conscious of the moment that is now
And celebrate it as I live it
But I let the hope of tomorrow live
And anticipate more
For within me is greatness
Presently manifest in my restlessness
But surely I find rest
In the knowledge that I do not stand alone
No, I do not walk alone
For such a journey many men have taken
Careful not to trample those along the path
Deliberate about taking others along with
For in my greatness, lies yours
So in my every moment of becoming
You become too
As in your every moment of becoming
I too become
So begone fear, anxiety and uncertainty
For I choose to step over your shadows
To step into a greatness
That lies beyond my present restlessness

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