Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spring cleaning Time

Today I couldn't leave my bed. It wasn't the comfort that made me stay in. It was the burdens that kept me transfixed in that place that is my bed. It was all my fears, experiences and expectations. And the dread filled me....For I had lost all hope.. and reason for living. Lost it somewhere in this great jungle that my life had become. Everything seemed meaningless. Too much clutter in my mind. Much too much clutter in my space. I had to find what my priorities are, reevaluate my principles, check my character. Dig, search and locate them among the many random thoughts, ill-thought out ideas, flashes of inspiration, realities of rejection and failure, memories of victory and success, decisions made consciously and by default. In this jungle of the good, the bad and the ugly.. I sought to find the right, the beautiful, the life-giving. And I knew that all the rest had to go. Yes, a process of refining had to begin, and be completed in as much as it was continual. Much like salvation. So I woke up this morning with a renewed purpose.. to cast of that which is evil, and allow the good flourish. To pull out the weeds that threatened to choke my dreams away, to breathe life, faith and hope once more. Today I awoke with a renewed vigour, for the work that awaits me is plentiful. The pruning, and clearing. Gathering and destroying. Planting , watering and cultivating. The garden of my soul awaits. It is indeed spring cleaning time

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