Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Of memories made

What do we do with the memories we made? Made in times past, recent or not so recent past. with those records of moments past.. times gone by? people long gone? places long left behind? attitudes long ago discarded? behaviours now replaced? characters now reformed? What do we do when these are triggered.
There are some memories to treasure, they bring pleasure. but what of that pressure.. of suppressing the not-so great memories... or not having to acknowledge their existence. For how do u tell today's love of yesterday's love.. the love lost.. without losing today's love..... losing them to the threats of ghosts of days gone by..the music of dances past, the echo of yesterday's laughter...How do you explain the shadows in your eyes, from the memory of pains past inflicted? How do you justify the giggles of private jokes in the memory? How oh how do you live through the adrenal rush of familiar encounters? Yes, times are past.. door have closed.. but memories last.
So I choose consciousness.. even in making memories. for accountability, responsibility is not only in action, indeed it is even in memories. choosing what I do... choosing what i say..choosing where I go... for it is these, that I will remember.. memories are made today...for tomorrow. Make them worth remembering....So...... I'll live like there's tomorrow, yet I take each day like its the last. imagining that if tomorrow wont come, this is the way I want my days remembered by those left behind, and yet imagining that when tomorrow comes, this is surely how I want to remember my yesterdays

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