Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My dream... your dream

Let not your dreams perish
Rather let them flourish
For in the flowering of the dream, Your dream
The seed of your success may fall on my fertile ground
Put your ear on the ground
Hear the sound of those seeds.....germinating.....
The seeds of your success, the seeds of your dream
So let me dream
Let not my dream perish
For in my flourish
Your dreams may be awakened too

Oh, let not my dream die
Awaken the dream in me
Yes you see it, you see my dream
You feel its pulse, the faint throb of my dying dream
Let out a scream
For my dream should not perish
For within its flourish
Is the success of a nation
Yes, within my dream, Indeed within your dream
Many dreams lie, Many dreams live
So let not my dream die
Long live our people's dreams

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