Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lest my heart stops beating....

How many times have you seen an injustice and simply turned, looked the other way? How many times have you stood up and fought for what you believed in? How many times have you come together with other like-minded people, for a cause... a good cause. Most times we have a free-rider personality... riding on other people's victories. Pretending to be apathetic while savouring the benefits of battles we chose not to fight.
So one may not and cannot fight every battle, stand up for every cause, for one must choose their battles carefully. But what is life along the apathy lane?? It isnt. Death hovers in indifference corner. Slowly, the light that is your life, the strength within, the will, the hope, the future, humanity.....fades away...No it doesnt come in swiftly... Its a slow dimming....And soon, it engulfs you.. your whole being. Now you cannot see that which matters most to you. Those that matter cannot see you. Its like your heart stops beating, and no breath comes from your nostrils, your blood ceases to flow....You are insignificant
So to those heroes who have fought daily battles, for every victory that we have savoured, we salute you. Woe to the battles of tommorrow, for I have moved out of indifference corner, walked away from apathy lane.. to that place of consciousness.. in me, my heart, my soul, my being...I will not turn back. Rather I choose to travel on this lonely road, the road less travelled. Lest my heart stops beating, and no breath comes from my notrils, and my blood ceases to flow and I find that...... I am insignificant

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